East Cheyenne County Library District
Cheyenne Wells, Colorado
How do I get a Library card?
Come into the library with your Driver's License and make sure you have a current address and phone number. Children must be accompanied by their parent to receive a card.
Does it cost anything to have a library card?
No. They are free to Cheyenne County residents.
How much does it cost to print?
$0.15 per page for black and white, and $1.00 for color printouts.
How much does is cost to fax?
$1.00 for the first page and $0.50 for each additional page. The same fees apply for receiving a fax as well.
How many books can we check out at a time?
The maximum check out is 15 items total. Only 2 DVD's per family may be checked out at one time.
How long can we keep a DVD?
3 days, maximum. One renewal if no one else has requested the DVD.
Are you open during the noon hour?
Do you accept book donations?
Yes, but on a very limited basis. The books must be current and in excellent condition.