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Fun Facts about ECCLD

  • ECCLD has a total of 19743 items currently available for checkout.

  • ECCLD currently has 415 member accounts of which 26 are out of district.

  • Our members have saved a total of $3249.13 so far in 2025 by using the Library as opposed to purchasing and renting items on their own!!

Favorites @ ECCLD

Are you curious what type of reading our staff is interested in?

Well...if you are, we are here to let you in on what appeals to them.

Vicki enjoys most genres but particularly thrillers. Her favorite author is Stephen King.

Carmen likes to read nonfiction and is our go to for movie recommendations.

Jessy will read about anything but her go-to is Historical and Christian Fiction.

Sherry reads non-fiction books about crafting and enjoys Christian Fiction Thrillers.

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